Dream time II


Wall mural and jacuzzi background for the Sabina Clubhouse Spa, an ecologically inspired private villa estate with five-star facilities. 

All the symbols included in the figure refer to the context in which the mural is located the spa, the villa and the island.

The large canvas painting in the entrance is by the great Alex Grey, one of my references and one of the artists I most admire.

It has been one of the projects that I have enjoyed the most when designing it, on the one hand because it was one of my dreams to make a mural for a temple of these characteristics and on the other hand because it has been like a PhD for me, since it has made all my work order and make it even more meaningful. 

I have to thank Anton Bilton, for his total confidence in my work. It is always a pleasure to work with you. 

So far I have only done the central part of the mural. 


Location: Ibiza | Spain
Date: 2019
Client: Sabina [www.sabinaibiza.com