Dream Time II

Dream time II ABOUT PROJECT Wall mural and jacuzzi background for the Sabina Clubhouse Spa, an ecologically inspired private villa estate with five-star facilities.  All the symbols included in the figure refer to the context in which the mural is located the spa, the villa and the island. The large canvas painting in the entrance…

Dream Time III

Dream Time III ABOUT PROJECT I was asked to create a floating female figure for the jacuzzi area. The aim was to convey a feeling of weightlessness, rest and peace. If you look closely, you can see that the figure has another layer of geometry underneath the layer of lines that covers its entire body,…

Looking beyond

Looking beyond ABOUT PROJECT Mural of 27m x 3 high approx. made with high quality marine paints. Curated by ICART [ www.icart.net ] My project was selected among 3 international artists. It consists of a large mural and a big size sculpture, for the EDEN area of the new APEX ship of Celebrity Cruises.  MORE INFO Location:…